Coherent | Ultrafast Amplifier Accessories
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Ultrafast Amplifier Accessories

Unlock the full potential of your ultrafast amplifiers with our complete line of amplifier accessories! From harmonic generators to tunable parametric amplifiers, we provide the essential tools to expand and optimize your research capabilities. Tailored for precision and performance, these accessories enhance the efficiency of your experiments, helping you deliver better data with ease.

Coherent | Ultrafast Amplifier Accessories

Dive into a world of customization and innovation! Our range of amplifier accessories is specifically designed to elevate your scientific exploration. Whether you’re working on 2D spectroscopy, 3P photostimulation, HHG, or pump-probe experiments, these devices are engineered to meet your needs. 

With options like pulse width diagnostics and CEP stabilization, you can fine-tune your results like never before. Say goodbye to limitations and hello to a new era of data quality and research productivity. It’s time to amplify your discoveries—let’s get started! 

Extend and enhance the performance of the industry’s broadest range of ultrafast amplifiers to perfectly match the needs of your application.

Product Specifications :
Accessory Type Product Names Key Function & Specifications Works With Typical Applications
Tunable OPAs  OPerA Solo Creates tunable output from 240 nm to 20 µm all in a single box   Astrella 2D Spectroscopy, pump-probe spectroscopy 
TOPAS Prime Creates tunable output from 193 nm to 20 µm in a modular design. Astrella 2D spectroscopy, pump-probe spectroscopy
SHBC/TOPAS-400 Creates narrow-band picosecond pulses tunable from 240 nm - 10 µm  Astrella FSRS and Pump-probe spectroscopy, SFG spectroscopy at surfaces 
Opera-F Creates high power output at up 4 MHz, tunable from 650 -900 nm and 1200 - 2500 nm  Monaco  2D Spectroscopy, advanced materials spectroscopy 3-photon imaging 
Opera-HP Creates high energy pulses at up to 2 MHz, tunable from 210 – 2600 nm, extendable to 16 Âµm  Monaco  2D Spectroscopy, advanced materials spectroscopy 
Autocorrelator  Single-Shot Autocorrelator (SSA) Pulse width diagnostic tool  Astrella Pulse measurement 
Harmonic Generator Harmonic Generator System (HGS) Creates both second (SHG) and third (THG) harmonics with option of fourth (FHG)   Astrella Pump-probe spectroscopy, FSRS 

Brochure & Datasheet :

   TOPAS-Prime - Computer-Controlled Femtosecond Optical Parametric Amplifier Accessory (pdf / English)

   OPerA Solo - Fully Integrated, Computer-Controlled Femtosecond Optical Parametric Amplifier Accessory (pdf / English)

   Opera-F - Optical Parametric Amplifier for Yb Systems (pdf / English)

   Opera-HP - Optical Parametric Amplifier for Yb Systems (pdf / English)

   Harmonic Generator System (HGS) - Second-, Third-, and Fourth-Harmonic Accessory for Ti:Sapphire Amplifiers (pdf / English)

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