Coherent | Astrella
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Coherent | Astrella

Unlock the full potential of your research without losing any detail.

Astrella, our state-of-the-art Ti:Sapphire amplifier, redefines the limits of performance and reliability. This isn't merely an advanced amplifier; it's a transformative tool for enhancing your lab's productivity. With HALT/HASS certification, Astrella is built to endure the challenges of demanding applications.

Coherent | Astrella

Astrella offers exceptional data quality and lower overall costs thanks to its industry-leading specifications. With pulse energy surpassing 9 mJ, pulse widths as brief as 35 fs, and excellent beam quality (M² < 1.25), this powerful tool supports a variety of advanced applications, such as:

  • 2D spectroscopy: Explore molecular dynamics with outstanding spectral resolution.
  • THz studies: Examine ultrafast phenomena with remarkable sensitivity.
  • fs micromachining: Achieve precision engineering with unmatched speed and accuracy.

By selecting Astrella, you're not merely purchasing an amplifier - you're investing in the future of your research. With Astrella on your team, the possibilities are endless.

Available at 1 or 5 kHz, each unit includes an integrated Vitara oscillator and Revolution Pump laser, all in a 1247 x 792 x 262 mm footprint. HASS certified before shipping.

Product Specifications :
Model Name Nominal Center Wavelength (nm)* Pulse Width (fs) Pulse Energy at 1 kHz (mJ) Pulse Energy at 5 kHz (mJ)
Astrella USP 795 - 805  <35  >5 or >7  >1.6 
Astrella F  780 - 820  <100 
Astrella HE USP 795 - 805  <35  >9  >2 
Astrella HE F  780 - 820  <100 

* Specifications apply at 800 nm. Factory set, must be specified when ordered and will be optimized prior to shipment.

Brochure & Datasheet :

   Astrella - Ultrafast Ti:Sapphire Amplifier (pdf / English)

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